Monday 4 July 2016

Skulls and Bones in Yale

    Standing in front of the tightly closed black door of Skulls and Bones, I couldn’t help standing still. The twittering of birds, the morning sunshine gently pooling down on my face, and the aroma of newly mown grass, all this makes me feel a sense of peace and pleasure. However, looking into the skull’s hollow eyes and  staring at each other for a while, I felt a chill climbing up my back. Nobody was there, except for me, or just maybe someone was down in the basement, watching me, and trying to prevent their “secrets” from exposure.
The building of “Skulls and Bones”
The motto of the community is,“Who was the fool, who the wise man, beggar or king? Whether poor or rich, all’s the same in death.”
    It is a normal building, so normal that it would be extremely hard for anyone to tell the difference from other buildings at Yale. However, you can still see in the style of the building the spirit Yale has been going for - the fancy of classics. This tiny little building is quite like the construction in ancient Hellene, a smaller temple, rather than a “tomb” as what the members of “Skull and Bones”call themselves. The brownish red wall outside was built of stones many years ago, quite variegated. Ivy inserting its roots into the wall, the rustling of whose leaves was so obvious, whispering into my ear with the warm June wind. The entrance of the house has rectangular pillars, of Doric order, decorating the outside scenery, and making the atmosphere very solemn.

The Symbol of the community and the hollow eyes of the skull
    Suddenly a squirrel passed before me, carrying a big pine cone, without noticing the red house, which broke the silence. I smiled and bent my knees, watching it scampering away.
The Photo of Members in the same grade

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