Sunday 31 July 2016

Harmony between Man and Nature --- the First Optional Article

We live in modern cities. We are called civilized men However, while we are enjoying the comfort and banal luxury of our lives, we don’t realize that we are depriving ourselves of the necessities of life. Of these necessities, the first is the harmony between man and nature.
Cherrapunjee, where the precipitation reaches the highest point in the world every year, doesn’t cause much inconvenience to people living there. The life of the individual there is first and foremost an accommodation to nature. From the moment of one’s birth, he must learn how to deal with the rains. And by the time he is grown, he must help to build bridges, which are simply made of living trees. He knows how to use nature’s giving and how to live peacefully with the creatures there without damaging the environment. The harmony between man and nature is obvious.
Therefore, it is often something confused us that some of the primitive, the barbarian and the pagan, in our arrogant minds, harmoniously make friends with nature while we "civilized" men cannot follow the natural law. What we have done cause over-pollution, endanger wildlife everywhere, and add to over-expansion of industry and urbanization.
That all men are created by Nature, and with the help of industry we have become Fortune’s favoured children. As the growth of GDP increases, the needs of the natural world, however, is ignored by the majority of human beings. What’s more, those who are ‘GDPist’ take no interest in the increasing foggy days and smoky atmosphere. Gradually, and even quite swiftly, nature takes revenge on us.
This leads to a major: what should we do to solve the problem?
The perception of the relationship between ourselves and the place we live in is of paramount significance. And a change in mind is seriously needed. By propaganda and education, the idea of protecting nature will develop an increasing popularity. Step by step, the old undue influence of ideas on environment, that the only-GDP addiction faded away in our brain, while the process of seeing nature in a new way begins. In addition, even the smallest things can help, as it did in the case of celebrating the annual "earth hour", to save energy and natural resources.
Harmony needs a long process to develop, during which we may face difficulties from the old ideas mentioned before. A change might be hard, whereas innovations are always born in changes. We are going to challenge not only our lifestyle, even something deep in our heart, and that is the evil part of human nature, the desire for unlimited satiation. So we must prepare to overcome every obstacle. Strengthen our belief, trust in nature, and trust in ourselves, that man and nature can live in harmony.

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